Geek of the Day: Serengeti Lions & National Geographic

by gimmegoodstyle

Lions MM7947

I always think that lions is the most photogenic animal in the world. I even imagine them thinking about nature photographers as their natural paparazzis (oh, here take a shoot of my fangs! Um, need more? Look, I am going to run keeeppp upppp dudeee…!! Okay, just one more pic of me and my family. Cheers! Don’t forget to add me on Instagram!)

Apart from their fierce behaviors, human-less eyes and strong body that used to chew soft, hard, everything that can be considered foods. Lions are just a super cool animal and truly represents the hardness of wildlife.

It’s not strange for National Geographic magazine (or sometimes because we get tired -or afraid to be called geeky- we refer this magazine as NatGeo. Yes, much cooler, no?) to feature exclusive lions photos on their issue. Michael ‘Nick’ Nichols spent two years living in the wild, trying to capture fast movements of Serengeti Lions. With tons of technologies Nick was able to record, photographed and give us the most amazing experience through pictures, videos and audio-recordings. But the point of this whole project is not taking some pictures and post them online (or giving the lions a chance to be photographed.)

Nah, it’s about the life of Serengeti Lions. The short, brutal, and deadly lives of them (even though the titled is The Short Happy Life of Serengeti Lions. I don’t buy the title this time, sorry NatGeo!) Half of the cubs tend to die, only male lions can live until 12 years old and female is much luckier, able to live until 19 years old. What a life! Imagine living in a constant warfield every single day with no United Nations there to help you and eyes of enemies waiting to kill you to gain the authority of the savannah. Ugh, that’s how it works.

Buy NatGeo August Issue to read more about Serengeti Lions and a bunch of amazing scientific articles. Time to boost our fashion’s brain cells! Go brain Go lions Go NatGeo!

Taken from My Modern Met