Gimme Good Style

Fashion and Lifestyle Blog

Month: September, 2013

The Body Shop Thing


There is this silly jock who tells everyone I know that man doesn’t wear any beauty products. What a fool! If man never wears anything related to beauty, how can The Body Shop come up with tons of new beauty products for men?! It’s not just business man.

Anyway, let’s not talk about jocks today, let’s talk about… my dry skin and this Olive Body Lotion which has been helping me since… forever! My skins become more human (okay, more editorial-like) and smell really good.

Love this product!

5 Thoughts About Glee Season 5 Episode 1


Yeay! Glee is back! So much fun! So much more time singing lovely pop songs and dancing around and loving each of your friends with their weaknesses. Oh, so happy!!!

Maybe not that happy though. You see, I am still a big fan of Rachel and friends (by friends, I mean Kurt and the others ‘original’ members. They’re the best, don’t you think?), but Season 4 is a mess for me. Drama drama drama and more unnecessary drama.

It’s like they have changed from happy singing group of teenagers to soaked up young adults with nothing to do than trying to go to New York and ‘find’ yourselves with more bad guys (prostitute! Oh, no!) waiting to ruin your hearts and (ah!) voices.

Wait, it sounds like a real story….

The point is: Season 4? Not so good. Season 5? A slight hope of change.

Well, I just watched the first episode a few minutes ago (ha, internet for you!) And I have some really demanding-to-post thoughts in my head. So, let’s see….

  1. It’s The Beatles assignment…. I don’t really like old pop songs, even the classic ones. Don’t know any Beatles song. Don’t care much about The Beatles (except one of them is a father to Stella McCartney!) So, there is nothing special for me about ‘The Beatles weeks’ aka The Biggest Musical Number ever in Glee…. Hmm, definitely nothing special for me.
  2. Rachel is not a star. Funny Girl? Not for ya, Rachel. You can say she is pretty much in… waitress mode. Yeah, some people do have to pay their rents. And all-out-in-a-restaurant dance number with Santana as duet partner? Love it! But still don’t know the song….
  3. Where is Demi Lovato? People (well, bloggers) said she was going to make appearance in first episode. I am telling you, I didn’t see her and I won’t. So stop the rumors alreaddyyyyyy (maybe she is in episode two?)
  4. Klaine is back! Ah, so sweet. Ah, so pro-gay. Ah, so like it!
  5. Klaine is engaged. WHATTT?!?!?!?! What about too-young-to-be-married problems? What happened? The Beatles effect?! (Truth to be told, the song Blaine sings when he is proposing to Kurt is just too much to handle! So good… But, still, too young to be married!!)

P.S: I am waiting for special-dedicated-to Cory edition aka Finn Hudson. Ugh, I miss his voice and acting so much.

P.P.S: I am not surprised Sue is back as principal. Yes, PRINCIPAL. And no ‘OMIGOD, I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU, SON OF THE DEVIL!’ whatever. This lady has been around for ages, from bad to good, and she is definitely coming back. If she wasn’t coming back, who would take her place then? WHO?

You can watch Glee Season 5 Episode 1 here. 

What do you think?


abstractType Joe Llyod on your Google search right now!

(And I have no idea about Abstract Painting. I am just typing what’s flashed through my mind, when I saw it for the first time.)


Emilio Pucci Spring 2014


(And sorry for not blogging these past two days. So much to do!)

First thing that came up to my mind during the Emilio Pucci Spring 2014 live stream show was… wait, I have seen that outfit before! And that too. Where? When? How? Why?

Those are classic questions people think rapidly when they see something strange. Peter Dundas never copied anyone or anything, he is inspired. And now it is clear that this season, Rihanna has inspired him. Oh please, she is a pop star that really likes to dress up as a ‘true hip hop girl from Queens!’… or maybe Barbados. She is easily one of the most recognizable fashion icons!

The printed skirts, heavily decorated tops, tribal patterns (I thought tribal was out of date!), and lots of sporty items like (cough!) jogging shorts and gym jackets. And to make the connection to Rihanna even stronger, the hair even looks like hers. The low bangs, the over confident expression, the ah-I-am-breathing-and-you-will-still-call-me-sexy lips, the seductive eyes without too much eye shadows.

Those are Riri’s and she will definitely take credits for that.

The collection is indeed younger than usual. I feel zero gypsy atmosphere Peter once so famous of. I think it’s a good thing to go a bit pop star because seriously a lot of rich teens dressed up like preppy girl ala Blair for too long! Wake up girls! Time to get a bit modern, Gossip Girl is truly overrr….

Rihanna, Rita Ora, Britney (this lady never get out from the game! Britney bitch!!), and other raising pop singers can be your new inspiration. They know how to change in order to win the heart of everyone (Britney went bad and we all talked about her and then she went good and we talk about her like she is the best role model in the world)(and don’t even get me started on Rihanna’s beat-on-off relationship with *yawn* Chris Brown).

Of course, Peter Dundas and Emilio Pucci will help you morph into a true pop-star girl… without being too much or out of high-fashion!

Images taken from

The Collection

The Details

The Beauty

Versace Spring 2014


Versace’s runway was dominated with trees and green colored runway. I was so sure the collection would be something that is based on nature. Maybe a leaf-dress or rose coat like the one John Galliano made years ago. But I was wrong. Everyone seemed to be wrong.

Donatella Versace chooses to play with her classic theme. A bad girl with a little bit rock star attitude, metal studs lover and definitely a fan of a sexy body. There is a lot of metal elements combined with denim material yet I can still feel the elegance and high fashion aura from the dress.

Okay, maybe even the dress has some deep cleavages and peek-a-boo parts, but the volumed bottom and the classic shade of black really compromise the sexiness, add a little classiness vibe, and proof to the world that a sexy dress never can be mistaken for a whore dress.

We are not sluts-of-the-runway people.

Well, the collection is rocking like usual, but I felt bad for the trees and decorated runway. They’re too good to be wasted just because of a oh-I-suddenly-change-the-theme accident.

I think Donatella has that concept in her mind too. The clothes suddenly take turn from dark to something a bit softer. Really soft green, yellow, different colors combined in line-pattern, and soft purple (or violet) colors joined the group in form of short jacket, skirt with front slit, and of course sexy dresses that we’ve talked about before.

Ah, I understand now why the runway was greenish and there were trees hanging out on each side.

What truly amazes me is not the forest-y collection or the bad girl attitude at the beginning of the show, it is the last numbers. Long dresses with a piece of embroidered metallic fabric hanging loose on one side of the dress, following the fluid movements of the models. If it’s not what people call ‘sexy elegance’, then I have no idea what the community wants.

These dresses are futuristic, glamour, brave, a bit dense, and remind me of ‘liquid silver’ (aka luxury). Donatella successfully bounced me up from rock-n-roll stage to forest in the depth of Milan. and back to the high-fashion world, where luxury is not just a world. It’s reality.

Put on your seatbelt people!

Images taken from

The Collection

The Details

The Beauty

The Atmosphere

Nostalgic Item No.3




Hiya guys! How are you? Or I supposed to ask your phone first. How is your phone doing?

I ask this question a lot and people just answer with mournful faces. Nah, my phone is not really fine, the battery/screen/keyboards/memory is messing up. Again. Well, I can see that phone or other electronic devices aren’t designed for a long term use.

Me for example, I change my phone at least once a year (either I crush it to pieces or it’s growing into an old man in no time). Maybe twice, if I break something that is too expensive to repair (like logic board something). It is annoying to imagine how much money I spend and how much time I waste looking for another perfect phone that will absolutely only last for a year (or two, if I am lucky).

Enough, I said!

I know most of you think the same with me. That’s why you are still reading this post, aren’t you? Well, if you do, please take a look at Phonebloks. A new concept phone that is made of… well, blocks. Don’t get it wrong. It’s a special blocks attached to special board and joined by two screwdrivers to keep the phone solid and perfectly designed.

As you can see, this Phoneblocks is super super versatile. You can customize it the way you want, whatever your needs are. You just have to remove the blocks and change it with the ones you like.

Everything is available in Blokstore.

Need a new battery-block? Blokstore. New bigger camera? Blokstore.  New memory? Blokstore. New screen with full QWERTY keyboard? Blokstore.

The concept is the same when you suddenly break one of the components, even the screen. Calm down, no need to panic. Just erased the one that you broke and change it with a new block. Like playing Lego! A really cool Lego.

This way, you can save your money AND environment because you can imagine how much electronic waste we throw to the earth each year. Look at your Samsung Galaxy Note or Apple, then times 1000000000000000000000. You got the point.

Of course, every good thing comes the last. This Phonebloks is still a concept (WHAAATTTTT!?!?!?!?)  And every concept needs a lot of efforts to make it come true. I, myself, can’t do a lot. But YOU and I can do more things together.

Please, I beg you to click this Phonebloks official site and give your applause (Lady Gaga, you should be proud of me). If we are lucky (and help this project socially), there is a big chance this project will come to life. Wow, living in a world where I only need to buy blocks instead of expensive, difficult to find electronic components I never find interesting (or understandable).

It’s perfect, you know.

Prada Spring 2014


Finally, the big one is here! I always adore Prada in discreet way because stating that you love Prada is just a cliche. Everyone loves it too! Who can possibly hate Prada? This brand always create something different and fresh for fashion world each season. I remember seeing a woman photographed with sneaker-wedges or flame-heels and I instantly thought: Prada. Only Prada can come up with those kind of trends.

Not only giving bizarre trends, Prada is also about quality control. There is a reason why everything looks expensive, recognizable and classic in Prada store (or in major fashion editorials). Uh, I usually don’t even want to put a step on the store because it’s just too much tears of shame to handle (how much is this bag? What?!?!!? US$ 15000?!?!?!?)

Well, at least, not for now.

Back to the runway, this season Miuccia Prada is bringing her chic sporty trend back. But no wedges or sneakers this time. I think it should be something between sporty and arts. Just look at the clothes, they’re painted with heavy paintings of someone’s faces that make me feel like I am taking a tour into a Museum, an art museum, instead of watching a live stream in my bedroom miles away from Milan.

Not enough with faces, Miuccia also added something peculiar in her clothes. The vast majority of the dresses have this weird, awkward pattern that looks like bra. Well, wearing bra on the top of your clothes is not a new thing (Madonna had done it before!), but it’s just a trend that I never thought to make a comeback into the industry. Huff… I guess this is the magic of Prada show. Always expect the unexpected (except you have seen the Marc Jacobs show this season).

One thing that separates Prada and the rest of the world is her sense of feminine and how she somehow creates different version from other designers. When people thought about white for summer and spring, she decided to go against it boldly. Colors are falling into Prada’s spring collection.

It’s blue, green, rainbow colors. And shades of darker colors also take parts in the collection, creating an artistic loneliness sad dusty mood (hmm, that mood when  painter or artistic people don’t want to talk to anyone and just shut themselves in their studios… things like that). Nothing too white or too dark. To make up for her bold, plain choice of colors, Miuccia adds some sparkles as decorations that looks pretty much like diamonds, embroidered beautifully to the clothes.

It’s just too beautiful….

I can’t complain about the collection or the show this time (maybe about the socks or leg warmer or the strange fact that Miuccia made coats during summer collection). Everything is right on the standard, the surprise effect is working like usual, everything is perfectly made (and easy to wear), and everything looks really too good to be true.

Maybe it is too good to be true. Prada is also known for it’s high price, you know. We won’t even able to see the clothes for about a year and half from now. Aww, truly heartbreaking!

P.S: Plus, is it me or I can see some models are wearing feathers-like-headband on their heads? Man, this can be a cross of something sporty, something artsy, and something bohemian!

Images taken from

The Collection

The Beauty

The Details

STYLE Loves: Wakai Shoes


Click to know more about Wakai here….

Geek of the Day: Marc-Antoine Locatelli and Lucas Boirat

When fashion week is still raging on the web, I took a little time for art and look around for something fun to see. Fun and inspirative. And how lucky I am to find this artistic video called Nuance. Before we begin though, I would like to ask you a question:

Have you ever watched Avatar: The Last Airbender?

It seems strange to ask you this question, but I am serious. Have you ever watched it? If you have, then you might have a clearer image on what’s going on in Nuance by Marc-Antoine Locatelli and Lucas Boirat. Marc-Antoine, a french director, teamed up with Lucas Boirat, a dancer, to create a combination of dance and high-level video editing.

The concept is to let Lucas dance around with such incredible, energetic, and filled with passion movements in a simple dark stage then put some abstract, glowing material in his hand WHILE he is dancing. It’s like Lucas is trying to tame the mysterious energy. Like Avatar (see my point before?)

The idea of dancing with the mysterious energy is just an eye catching and exciting one, but I never thought the result could be that… awesome. I just love to see the merging of two major art branches (dance with graphic/video design), giving us an amazing, mind blowing performance. Aw, it’s such a huge disappointment to know the glowing energy is fake, I could imagine people going mad if they see this show live right with their own eyes.

You know what? We should ask Aang (Ang? Angg? The guy with the air bending power?) to do some shows.

With Marc-Antoine and Boirat, of course.

Images taken from My Modern Met (click to see them move around in GIF manner)